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How to easily make genuine Vietnamese Coffee
You need to use Vietnamese coffee (courser-ground robusta) and a ca phe phin (Vietnamese filter). This ensures the coffee takes the requisite 4 minutes to drip into the cup (ensuring the right strength). If you have one, use a glass cup or mug.
Servings Prep Time
1cup 1minute
Passive Time
Servings Prep Time
1cup 1minute
Passive Time
  1. Place the sweetened condensed milk into your cup. Add 1 rounded tablespoon of coffee into the phin. Tamp down the coffee with the filter, leaving the filter on top of the coffee. Place the phin on top of the cup.
  2. Pour the boiling water into the phin and place the lid of the phin on top. The coffee should take about 4 minutes to filter through.
  3. Stir the coffee and condensed milk until combined and then if you would like it cold, add small ice blocks.