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Authentic Thai Fish Cakes
Using authentic ingredients, these fried, curried Thai fish patties are served with a refreshing cucumber sauce. Make your own and have people raving how good it is and how your Thai fish cakes burst with authentic flavor. You will need a blender/food processor (better) or mortar and pestle. We use coconut oil but you can substitute to make an amazing sauce with your Asian fish cakes.
Servings Prep Time
4people 15minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4people 15minutes
Cook Time
Authentic Thai Fish Cake Ingredients
Cucumber Sauce
Cucumber Sauce
  1. In a small saucepan over low heat, warm the vinegar and sugar (do not boil). Stir until thick and well combined. Put aside and allow to cool. Add the cucumber, chili powder and peanuts and stir to combine. Place in a serving bowl and refrigerate until needed. Add the cilantro leaves as a garnish when serving.
Fish Cakes
  1. Mix all the ingredients, except the cup of oil, until they are well combined.
  2. Press small handfuls of the fish mixture into small discs. Wetting your hands with water will make this easier.
  3. Heat the oil over medium low heat. Place the fish cakes into the hot oil and cook until golden brown, turning once. This should take about 3 minutes. I usually cook in 3 or 4 batches.
  4. As the fish cakes are cooked, drain on paper towel. Serve with the cucumber sauce.
Recipe Notes

* These items are described in more detail with our free, Asian Cooking Essentials Guide.