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Banana Spring Rolls
Like banana fritters? Then why not try a banana spring roll (or banana egg roll)? No need to make a batter, just wrap them in spring roll wrappers or simple rice paper. If you’re a fan of PF Chang’s banana spring rolls, then this is a delicious and healthier alternative. Quick to prepare and cook, this tasty dessert can be topped with honey, shredded coconut and sesame seeds. Ice cream is also an optional extra on your fried banana roll.
Servings Prep Time
4people 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4people 5minutes
Cook Time
  1. Cut the bananas in half. Place a spring roll wrapper on a cutting board and apply the beaten egg using a pastry brush along 1 side of the wrapper (near the edge). Place the banana on the opposite side of the wrapper from the egg. Start rolling the pastry over the banana towards the side with the egg, tucking in the sides as you go so the wrapper is totally sealed. Repeat for the remaining 7 pieces.
  2. Then, heat the oil over a medium-high heat and when hot deep fry for 1 to 2 minutes only. I usually test with 1 spring roll. The oil should not be smoking and should be pleasantly bubbling when the spring roll is added. If it looks good, add another 3 spring rolls. I usually cook in 2 batches of 4 as it is easier. Drain over kitchen paper.
  3. To serve, drizzle honey over the banana spring rolls and then sprinkle the shredded coconut and sesame seeds over the top.
Recipe Notes

It’s great if you can source Thai bananas for this but it certainly isn’t mandatory. You will achieve just as good a result using Cavendish bananas but you may need to trim them so they fit inside the spring roll wrapper. We explain how to roll spring rolls here, albeit with savory ingredients. For bananas, the wrapping occurs in exactly the same manner.

Finishing off the cooked banana spring roll with some honey, shredded coconut and sesame seeds keeps it light and slightly sweet. By all means add ice cream if you so desire.

# These items are described in more detail with our free, Asian Cooking Essentials Guide.