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Banana Spring Rolls Recipe for Something a Little Different

- 18

Most Thai people adore bananas when it comes to something sweet! It is a versatile fruit that can be cooked in a multitude of ways. Today we feature something which is a little different and, maybe not quite traditional, Thai fare. Nonetheless, it is a delicious treat. How about banana spring rolls? Long the poor cousin of banana fritters, Thai fried banana spring rolls are actually a lot easier to make. You can use either spring roll wrappers or rice … Read More

Thai Spring Rolls with Glass Noodles – an Easy Recipe Sure to Impress!

- 30

Thai spring rolls with glass noodles are deceptively easy to make. Once you have tried and succeeded you will wonder why you have taken so long to make them! Once shallow-fried these spring rolls take on a golden hue and deliver a delightful, crunchy outside. Not to mention the tasty morsels inside. Before I started this glass noodle spring roll recipe, I did wonder if it would work. I had visions of spring rolls improperly wrapped inside the wrapper, exploding … Read More