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How to Make Easy Moroccan Spiced Oranges

Moroccan spiced oranges make an easy Moroccan dessert recipe. Looking for recipes for fresh oranges? We feature two easy versions of Moroccan spiced orange. You would be wrong to assume that Moroccan spiced oranges doesn’t sound that exciting. You will find them everywhere throughout Morocco and if it is good enough for a well-regarded cooking school to feature it, then I think it is fairly safe to assume it is good enough for us. Our main recipe for Moroccan spiced … Read More

How to Host a Moroccan Feast with these Easy Moroccan Recipes

Bring the exotic flavors, scents and color of Moroccan cuisine to life by hosting your own Moroccan feast at home. Impress your guests with a four-course, Moroccan dinner party consisting of authentic and easy, Moroccan recipes. All the food can be prepared ahead of time, allowing you to spend less time in the kitchen. As we do to close out all the countries we visit, today we feature our Moroccan feast including a pre-dinner drink. For Moroccan starters we will … Read More

How to Make Moroccan Lamb Couscous at Home

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Looking for an authentic Moroccan couscous recipe? Try our Moroccan lamb couscous, just full of the exotic flavors of Morocco. Lamb and couscous are a perfect union. The lamb, vegetables and spices gently simmer away as you prepare and cook your Moroccan style couscous, complete with dried fruits, nuts and fresh herbs. There are a number of ways to prepare couscous, ranging from the quick instant in a packet varieties to traditional, using a couscousiere, to hand made from scratch, … Read More

An Easy, Authentic, Moroccan Chicken Tagine Recipe

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Magical, mystical Morocco! Our authentic, Moroccan, chicken tagine recipe is full of exotic flavors from this colorful and diverse country. A Moroccan tagine recipe is easy to make with everyday ingredients and you don’t need a tagine pot to make it! Watch our video of a Moroccan, Berber family cooking tagines at home. And, how common are tagine restaurants in Morocco? Well I can answer that one straight off the bat. They’re everywhere and the range of tagines available on … Read More

How to Make Easy Carrot, Orange and Ginger Soup

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Our carrot, orange and ginger soup is simple to prepare and contains everyday ingredients. If you’re looking for popular Moroccan appetizers, why not consider a Moroccan soup instead? This soup will surprise you with its depth of flavor and beautiful spicing. It’s a lovely soup your whole family will enjoy. Carrot, orange and ginger soup is moderately spiced. It contains some fresh and dried spices and herbs which Moroccans would purchase from their local spice souk (or market). If you’re … Read More