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Vietnamese Eggplant Recipe, Claypot Style From Beautiful Ninh Binh

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Eggplant claypot is a great little Vietnamese eggplant dish which is easy to make. Full of classic Vietnamese flavors it’s healthy too. We will share with you everything you need to know about this Vietnamese Eggplant Claypot Recipe. It’s an easy dish to prepare and you do not need a claypot to make it! Cycling around the dramatic crags of Ninh Binh in northern Vietnam is like being in “Halong Bay on Land”. Indeed, that is how many people describe … Read More

A Smoked Beef Brisket Recipe

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This smoked beef brisket recipe is perfect for a crowd. It will also deliver bragging rights to you for best smoked brisket! Mention the word barbecue to an American and you are almost guaranteed to receive an opinion on whose is the best style and from which part of the country it hails from. But with this easy barbecue brisket recipe you can make your own at home. Although the rest of the world associates the word barbecue as the … Read More

How to Make Easy Carolina Ribs with Vinegar Based BBQ Sauce

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Carolina ribs with a vinegar based BBQ sauce are on the menu today. A Carolina bbq sauce guarantees excellent results in either the oven or smoker. As I have a BBQ smoker, my preference is to cook my Carolina ribs in it to impart some extra, smoky flavor. We are using a vinegar based BBQ sauce recipe utilizing everyday ingredients as a marinade for the ribs. Then we cook them low and slow on the BBQ smoker. So very good … Read More

How to Make Easy Moroccan Spiced Oranges

Moroccan spiced oranges make an easy Moroccan dessert recipe. Looking for recipes for fresh oranges? We feature two easy versions of Moroccan spiced orange. You would be wrong to assume that Moroccan spiced oranges doesn’t sound that exciting. You will find them everywhere throughout Morocco and if it is good enough for a well-regarded cooking school to feature it, then I think it is fairly safe to assume it is good enough for us. Our main recipe for Moroccan spiced … Read More

Slow Cooked Leg of Lamb – A Classic Greek Recipe

Slow cooked leg of lamb fills your home with mouthwatering aromas. It’s one of winter’s great pleasures when it is cold outside, and you have a slow roasted leg of lamb gently cooking away in the background while you potter around. Not sure how to slow cook a leg of lamb? It’s easy! Our recipe runs you through it step by simple step. If you always wanted to try cooking lamb, this is the perfect recipe to start. You’ll definitely … Read More

Authentic Greek Lamb Recipe – How to Make Lamb Roast at Home

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Is there anything more traditional than authentic Greek Lamb recipes? Not for a Greek, there isn’t. Celebrate Easter – or any other special occasion – with what is arguably the best meat you can roast, either in an oven, on the Weber BBQ or if you are lucky enough, on the spit (rotisserie). Today we cook Greek lamb, one of our favorite lamb dishes. Greek lamb roasted using traditional herbs and spices as a marinade – yum! Simple to prepare … Read More

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