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What You Need to Know to Stay Healthy on Your Trip

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So the big day has arrived, you are finally off on your vacation you have been dreaming of for months. There are a few common sense things you can do while traveling that will reduce your chances of getting sick, which no one wants to do while on vacation. In this article we look at what you need to know to stay healthy on your trip. This is Part 3 in our Healthy Travel Series, in case you missed the … Read More

Healthy Travels: What You Need to Know Before You Leave

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What You Need to Know Before You Leave Part 2: Healthy Travels Series Okay, you booked your flights and accommodation, sorted your travel insurance and are looking forward to your dream trip. You’re not done yet. There are some simple things you can do before you leave home to ensure you stay healthy and enjoy your trip. This is part 2 of a multi-part series. You can find the other posts Healthy Travels What You Need to Know and What … Read More

What you Need to Know About Travel Insurance

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Part 1: Healthy Travel Series We are starting the Healthy Travel Series with travel insurance because often when you first book or plan your trip, you need to make a decision about travel insurance. Do you need travel insurance? Yes you do is the basic answer. This is a question we get asked a lot. There are a lot of products out there, a lot of options and a lot of fine print. We don’t have all the answers, but … Read More

Healthy Travels: What you Need to Know

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Why a series on Healthy Travels? If you have ever been sick while you are traveling, you know it can seriously ruin your holiday. All your best laid plans, shattered as you sit in your hotel room (or worse). The Healthy Travels Series But rather than dwell on what could go wrong, the goal of this series is to help you make sure your holiday goes right! The complete Healthy Travel series will look at What you need to know … Read More