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Asian Cooking Supplies: Part of Your Core Cooking Utensils

Asian cuisine is quick, healthy and tasty. And having the right utensils makes it easy. Asian cooking supplies make a great addition to your core cooking utensils. Just a few and you are on your way. Asian cooking supplies are easy to find these days. Asian grocery stores are popping up in many, major cities around the world. Is this because people from around the world continue to discover how great Asian cuisine is? Maybe. It is also surprisingly easy … Read More

Laos and Cambodia Dinner Party Menu Complete with Recipes

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Sticking with tradition on Compass and Fork, our last food post for a country is a dinner party. We have featured 5 recipe posts for adjoining SE Asian countries Laos and Cambodia. The food is definitely one of the reasons you travel to Laos and Cambodia. It is good and cheap on the hip pocket. Not unlike food from Thailand and Vietnam, but with some subtle differences. As you would expect the food of Laos and Cambodia is influenced by … Read More

Mekong Inspired Green Papaya Salad Recipe

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Another great salad you see in all of the countries along the Mekong River is Green Papaya Salad. Certainly in beautiful Luang Prabang, Laos, you see this glorious salad everywhere. Today, we feature Green Papaya Salad. Green or unripe papaya should not be underrated. The crunch factor gives it a fabulous texture that adds to the dish. And only 5 minutes to prepare. But be warned, this salad does have a bit of a kick. The heat can be easily … Read More

Things to Do in Luang Prabang in Laos – You Will Never Want to Leave

As we arrive in Luang Prabang, Laos after a full two day journey down the Mekong River, we are feeling very relaxed. I have to say I am very happy we had another reservation after Luang Prabang or I think I might still be there. Luang Prabang is that type of place, one you may never want to leave. As the best preserved town in Laos, Luang Prabang is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It was the capital of the … Read More

Chicken Larb from Luang Prabang

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Today, we feature an Asian salad great served warm or cold, featuring so many of those great South East Asian herbs and spices that combine so well in a salad. Chicken larb is usually associated with Thailand but it is just as popular in Laos and possibly even superior to the Thai version. Chances are you may not know a lot about Lao cuisine. Laos flies under the radar behind adjoining neighbors Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and China. Naturally there is … Read More

The Slow Boat to Luang Prabang – Taking the Comfortable Option

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Arriving in Luang Prabang having spent two very leisurely days on what is commonly referred to as the “slow boat” meant we arrived in Luang Prabang in a very mellow mood. This may influence my impression of both Luang Prabang and the whole slow boat experience, but honestly we really enjoyed this and highly recommend it. I should clarify, we did not take the “public” slow boat, the one many backpackers write posts about. The over-crowded, uncomfortable experience where you … Read More

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