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Healthy Pomegranate Breakfast
Here is a simple, quick, light and healthy breakfast. Pomegranate has been acknowledged as a super-food for some time now. And an added bonus is that it has become quite common in fruit and vegetable stores and good markets (when in season). With the addition of yogurt, crushed walnuts and honey, this simple dish ends up being a fancy treat for the whole family.
Servings Prep Time
2people 10minutes
Servings Prep Time
2people 10minutes
  1. Cut the pomegranate in half and prise out the seeds with a small fork or spoon. Place in 2 serving-size bowls. Hint: don’t wear white whilst doing this!
  2. Put a large dollop of yogurt over the top of the pomegranate.
  3. Sprinkle the walnuts on top of the yogurt and then drizzle a spoonful of honey to finish off.
Recipe Notes

You will find pomegranates in better stores. 

Turkish-style yogurt is thick.  If you can’t find then use Greek style yogurt.

If you have never tried Turkish honey then try here.