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Pomegranate & Orange Juice
Not only did we enjoy Pomegranate & Orange Juice on various hiking trails throughout Turkey, it was a very common drink at local markets and cafes throughout the country. And it is great value in Turkey. We usually paid 4 TL ($1.50 USD) for a generous glass. In Turkey, there are special fruit juice presses in every cafe and restaurant. They very quickly squeeze all of the juice out of oranges and pomegranates without the need to peel the fruit.
Servings Prep Time
2glasses 3minutes
Servings Prep Time
2glasses 3minutes
  1. Simply squeeze the juice out of the pomegranates and oranges into 2 glasses.
Recipe Notes

Although these pomegranate presses are not the ones we saw in Turkey, they will make the juicing of the pomegranates much easier.  Warning:  Do not wear white clothes when juicing the pomegranates.