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How to Make the Best Beet with Goat Cheese and Walnut Salad

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Here is a great recipe to make the best beet with goat cheese and walnut salad you will ever eat. It is my gift and contribution to the people of Uruguay to pair with their magnificent beef steaks, tannat red wine and good cheer that is always proudly on display whenever you eat out in Uruguay. This salad was inspired by our visit to the charming town of Colonia de Sacramento where we had a simple but beautiful lettuce salad, … Read More

Turkish Meze – Recipes for a Beautiful Turkish Platter

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There is a fine food tradition in Turkey, going back hundreds of years to the royal kitchens. Dinners with family and/or friends are special and it is considered very poor form for individual family members to fix themselves a meal separate from the rest of the family. The tradition of the Turkish meze platter is an essential part of Turkish culture. Turkish mezes are perfect for social gatherings and are designed to promote talking through their casual, shared eating. Meze, … Read More

Turkish Warm Lentil Salad Recipe

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There is a funny story behind putting the recipe for Turkish Warm Lentil Salad together. In Turkey, lentils are traditionally of the red variety. We thought that we might be a little different and make the Turkish Warm Lentil Salad with green lentils, as we had thought we had seen them at the market. So, whilst shopping at the local market, we sourced our green lentils. No problem. Or so we thought. The problem became evident when it took forever … Read More