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How to Make Spanish Albondigas: An Easy Meatball Recipe

Here is an easy meatball recipe – Spanish style. Cooked in a rich tomato sauce with classic, Spanish flavors, albondigas are hearty. A great 1-pot dish. Albondigas may not be a word many people outside of Europe know of. I certainly didn’t before our visit to Spain. In fact, the word albondigas, derives from Arabic. Food culture and migration is such a fascinating subject. Simple to make and from everyday ingredients, the meatballs gently simmer away in a rich and … Read More

How to be a Gourmet Chef with this Unique Mashed Potato Terrine

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Today’s dish will make you look like a gourmet chef with this unique mashed potato terrine. I must put my hand on my heart and confess- food presentation is not my thing. For me, it is all about the taste, not what it looks. But with a moderate amount of effort you can make a dish which looks like these photographs. That’s the end of the confession. The point is this dish is easy to make and by using a … Read More

Authentic Cambodian Fish Amok Recipe

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Cambodian fish amok is the national dish of Cambodia, and for very good reason. Deliciously creamy and mild when compared to neighboring Thailand’s curries, this is one of the best traditional Cambodian food recipes! Concerned about sourcing ingredients for such an exotic cuisine? You shouldn’t be. If you enjoy making and eating Thai or Vietnamese food, then you will surely enjoy and know how to make Cambodian food. Cambodia is squeezed in between Thailand and Vietnam so there is a … Read More

Spotlight on Potatoes with Bulgarian Moussaka

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The moussaka I grew up with featured eggplant as the main ingredient and came topped with a béchamel source. But that would be moussaka of the Greek variety. Love potatoes? Want a moussaka that is lighter? How about Bulgarian moussaka featuring potato and yogurt? Lighter than its Greek cousin and fabulous if eggplants are not to your taste or out of season, Bulgarian moussaka can be comfortably consumed in summer if you are looking for some comfort food. The topping … Read More

How to Make Uruguay’s Golden Veal Milanesa

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Today we feature one of Uruguay’s most popular menu choices, Veal Milanesa. Easy to make and always popular with children and adults alike, who doesn’t like the delightful, golden crumbing coating over a great piece of veal? Typically served with fries/chips and a salad, no wonder it is such a popular choice at many restaurants in Uruguay. Just as popular is the chicken version, made with a chicken fillet. Veal Milanesa (Spanish spelling) is suspiciously like Veal Schnitzel from Austria … Read More

The Chivito Steak Sandwich is a Classic You Will Love

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Fancy a great steak sandwich? Why not try your hand at making a chivito steak sandwich, the famous steak sandwich of Uruguay? If you love hamburgers, then chances are that you will just adore a chivito steak sandwich. Look at that picture. The chivito is full of individual goodies. Now just think of the combination of them all. What a mouth watering prospect. Filled with filet steak, bacon, cheese, onion, red bell pepper, chimichurri sauce, lettuce, tomato and that most … Read More

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