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A Smoked Beef Brisket Recipe

- 14

This smoked beef brisket recipe is perfect for a crowd. It will also deliver bragging rights to you for best smoked brisket! Mention the word barbecue to an American and you are almost guaranteed to receive an opinion on whose is the best style and from which part of the country it hails from. But with this easy barbecue brisket recipe you can make your own at home. Although the rest of the world associates the word barbecue as the … Read More

How to Smoke Your Turkey for the Festive Season

- 21

Today, at Compass and Fork, we put the spotlight on smoked turkey, as cooked in the smoker, to help celebrate the festive season. Here is everything you need to know to smoke your turkey perfectly! A little more work, maybe, than roasting your festive-season turkey in the oven, but the extra rewards make this a great reason to go the extra mile and use a smoker to cook your turkey. And here is how to smoke your turkey so it … Read More