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Healthy Avocado Smash for Breakfast

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Melbourne breakfasts are some of the best in the world. Why? Well, believe it or not, it is a subject I have given considerable thought to as we work our way around the world indulging ourselves in great food, and I have three reasons: variety, originality and freshness. There is some serious thought and effort that goes into breakfast menus in Melbourne. Fusion, which is a food description I don’t use often, is a big part of what makes breakfast … Read More

Turkish Style Poached Eggs Recipe

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We really enjoyed going to the local markets in Turkey. It’s where most Turks shop rather than in the big supermarkets. There are a huge number of vendors in the larger city markets like Fethiye. So there is good competition and plenty of choice. Our observation was that the fruit and vegetables on offer at the markets were super fresh and were of a much higher quality than in the supermarkets. Many of the vegetables looked as if they had … Read More

Sultan’s Delight Recipe from the Imperial Kitchen at Topkapi Palace

- 26

This is a fantastic Sultan’s Delight recipe, you will be proud to serve it for family and friends. The recipe dates back 600 years. It originates in the Royal Kitchens at Topkapi Palace in what is now the city of Istanbul. The sultan was so delighted with this meal and the name, Sultan’s Delight, stuck. There are many variations of Sultan’s Delight. We ate it in a restaurant in Turkey and made it at home. We liked the one at … Read More