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Traditional Turkish Yogurt Soup- Serve Hot or Cold

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  Yogurt soup. Who would have thought? Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey all claim yogurt as their own invention and believe their version is the best. Having been lucky enough to spend time in all 3 countries, I can tell you it is good in all of them. However, I wasn’t quite prepared for the variety of yogurt-based products. Products like labna (strained, thick version of yogurt, becomes more like a spread), kefir (fermented yogurt drink, great for the probiotic benefits), … Read More

Shish Kebaps

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Being an Australian, I take great interest in all things that can be cooked on a BBQ. Maybe it’s something that all males inherit as part of our genetic make up to provide food? The great desire to cook raw meat over a fire is for me, one of life’s great pleasure. I’m sure that there is a more culturally significant description than this but who cares? All I know is that I love BBQ’s and so do most males … Read More

Turkish Warm Lentil Salad Recipe

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There is a funny story behind putting the recipe for Turkish Warm Lentil Salad together. In Turkey, lentils are traditionally of the red variety. We thought that we might be a little different and make the Turkish Warm Lentil Salad with green lentils, as we had thought we had seen them at the market. So, whilst shopping at the local market, we sourced our green lentils. No problem. Or so we thought. The problem became evident when it took forever … Read More

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