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Turkish Red Lentil Soup Recipe

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Looking for an easy to make lentil soup recipe full of flavor? This Turkish red lentil soup recipe is delicious, healthy and quick to make. Sure to become one of your favorite soup recipes. One of our go-to dishes when we travel is roast chicken. And there are 2 really good reasons. We enjoy a really good Roast Chicken. And the added bonus is being able to make a good flavored stock with the leftover carcass and bones. And from … Read More

Tortellini with Sage and Butter Sauce

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Porticoes of Bologna Bologna is a great, small city for tourists and flies under the radar compared to Rome, Florence and Naples. With magnificent architecture and large parts of this old city constructed with an attractive red brick, the porticoes make Bologna unique. Famous for food Bologna is also home to tortellini and the inspiration for this tortellini with sage and butter sauce recipe. After having seen some of the great sights of Bologna, it is time to turn your attention … Read More

Chicken Stock – Homemade Chicken Broth

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Looking for a reliable chicken stock recipe? This recipe contains the vegetable and herb ingredients that most households have on hand, so why not cook your own stock or broth? We love having freshly made stock on hand, as it gives you a great deal of flexibility when it comes to cooking. Risottos, soups and sauces all become a lot easier when you don’t have to worry about the stock. Yes I know you can use stock or bouillon cubes, … Read More

Traditional Turkish Yogurt Soup- Serve Hot or Cold

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  Yogurt soup. Who would have thought? Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey all claim yogurt as their own invention and believe their version is the best. Having been lucky enough to spend time in all 3 countries, I can tell you it is good in all of them. However, I wasn’t quite prepared for the variety of yogurt-based products. Products like labna (strained, thick version of yogurt, becomes more like a spread), kefir (fermented yogurt drink, great for the probiotic benefits), … Read More

Turkish Warm Lentil Salad Recipe

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There is a funny story behind putting the recipe for Turkish Warm Lentil Salad together. In Turkey, lentils are traditionally of the red variety. We thought that we might be a little different and make the Turkish Warm Lentil Salad with green lentils, as we had thought we had seen them at the market. So, whilst shopping at the local market, we sourced our green lentils. No problem. Or so we thought. The problem became evident when it took forever … Read More

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