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At Last a Simple Bloody Mary for a Warm Climate

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Today we feature a simple Bloody Mary for a warm climate. It’s a very simple change to a standard Bloody Mary but results in a lighter and easier drink for a warm and/or humid climate. And, dare I say it, this drink is easier to chug down than the standard Bloody Mary if you are looking to make a night of it. Before we reveal the secret of the simple Bloody Mary for a warm climate, it would be remiss … Read More

The Hotel Mil Flores with Fabulous Luxury and Charm

Location: The Hotel Mil Flores in Antigua Antigua, Guatemala is the best-preserved, Spanish-colonial town in all The Americas. This is primarily because Antigua was abandoned in 1773 following a devastating earthquake. Now, thanks to very strict laws around restoration activities, Antigua is a living museum of magnificent old churches, mansions and appealing, outdoor public spaces. Antigua is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is a very easy and safe place to walk around, with quaint cobblestone streets, magnificent courtyards and … Read More

This Delicious Black Bean Soup is the Best of Guatemala

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This delicious vegetarian black bean soup from Guatemala makes an easy starter. Use the Vitamix or blender for a smooth and creamy consistency. And, discover why Guatemalan food is so healthy! Guatemalan food flies under the radar when it comes to notable cuisines, but it shouldn’t. Today we feature a delicious vegetarian black bean soup which shows off the best of Guatemalan soups. This slightly spicy black bean soup goes for a trip into the Vitamix or blender to deliver … Read More

Why Antigua Guatemala is the Town you Really Want to See!

Can you find history, charm and modern sophistication all in one town? We think so. And Antigua, Guatemala is the perfect spot. Antigua is the ancient capital of Central America, from the time of colonial rule from Spain. At first glance, Antigua seems stuck in that era, with traditional architecture, ancient churches and cobblestone streets. But scratch beneath the surface, look behind the walls and into the courtyards and you will find every modern amenity for the tourist, including luxury … Read More

Pictures of Guatemala that will Leave you Wanting More

First time visitors to Guatemala often comment on the colors on display. I am not just talking about the stunning colors of the flowers, clothing, buses, birds and scenery. There are abundant opportunities to observe the physical colors of the country. But more importantly, the people themselves lead colorful lives and this is woven throughout Guatemalan culture and is the very fabric of their society. We were fortunate enough to be in Guatemala over Christmas and New Year to celebrate … Read More

Smart Coffee Recipe: The Best Smoothie To Start Your Day

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I will share the best healthy smart coffee recipe to start your day! Do you like to start your day with a healthy smoothie? Do you also like to start your day with happy coffee? I am guessing most people answer the second question with a resounding, “Yes” and a fair proportion also answers “Yes” to the first question, especially the more health-conscious folks. But what if you could combine both and get the best of both worlds? How I … Read More

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