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How to be a Gourmet Chef with this Unique Mashed Potato Terrine

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Today’s dish will make you look like a gourmet chef with this unique mashed potato terrine. I must put my hand on my heart and confess- food presentation is not my thing. For me, it is all about the taste, not what it looks. But with a moderate amount of effort you can make a dish which looks like these photographs. That’s the end of the confession. The point is this dish is easy to make and by using a … Read More

Peruvian Stuffed Peppers Direct from Arequipa

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Peruvian stuffed peppers is a dish which is the pride and joy of Arequipa, the white city, Peru’s second largest behind Lima. Locally known as Rocoto Relleno, it makes a hearty meal when served with scalloped potatoes. Eating it is like being transported to Arequipa for the duration of your meal! No ground meat or rice used here. The filling includes diced pork and beef, hard-boiled eggs, salad onion and peanuts, all deliciously flavored with various spices. The signature piece … Read More

The Best Peruvian Scalloped Potatoes Recipe Ever

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Looking for a variation on French potato classics like Scalloped Potatoes or even Potatoes au Gratin? Today we look to the home of the potato for some inspiration. Peruvians know a thing or two about potatoes so why not prepare them Peruvian-style? Easy to make and hearty. Who doesn’t like oven-baked potatoes, like these Peruvian scalloped potatoes. As well, we have a short take on the history of the potato and how the Incas employed agricultural techniques in the Andes … Read More