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Penne Puttanesca is one of the Simplest Pastas you can Make

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Penne puttanesca is without doubt one of the simplest pasta dishes you can ever hope to make. You can literally throw in staples from your pantry or fridge. The puttanesca origin goes back centuries in Italy and, as you would expect, there is quite a story behind this dish, which just adds to its mystique. The story of the recipe for puttanesca sauce is so fascinating we share it before we move on to our penne puttanesca recipe. But before … Read More

How to be a Gourmet Chef with this Unique Mashed Potato Terrine

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Today’s dish will make you look like a gourmet chef with this unique mashed potato terrine. I must put my hand on my heart and confess- food presentation is not my thing. For me, it is all about the taste, not what it looks. But with a moderate amount of effort you can make a dish which looks like these photographs. That’s the end of the confession. The point is this dish is easy to make and by using a … Read More

Easy Greek Village Salad from Naxos Revisited

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It’s no secret one of the sublime pleasures of spending time in the Greek Islands is to enjoy the healthy lifestyle. Sunshine, swimming, relaxation and of course the incredibly, healthy cuisine. It’s a laid back culture and this is reflected in the food. Nothing too complex. Just simple, healthy food, including a Greek village salad. Salad is a staple, served at every meal, it is hard not to eat well in the Greek Islands when you have a healthy salad … Read More

Turkish Meze – Recipes for a Beautiful Turkish Platter

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There is a fine food tradition in Turkey, going back hundreds of years to the royal kitchens. Dinners with family and/or friends are special and it is considered very poor form for individual family members to fix themselves a meal separate from the rest of the family. The tradition of the Turkish meze platter is an essential part of Turkish culture. Turkish mezes are perfect for social gatherings and are designed to promote talking through their casual, shared eating. Meze, … Read More