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You Need to Know Why Drunken Pork is Perfect with Red Wine

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Most experts will say drink white wine with pork. Today we feature a dish very commonplace throughout the Greek Islands and Cyprus which turns that theory on its head. Drunken pork is a simple dish to prepare and full of robust Greek flavors including red wine. A simple marinade made from everyday ingredients and then slow cooked. The result is a rich, slightly dry and full-flavored Greek classic. Once you have cooked this dish you will surely return to it … Read More

The Best Peruvian Scalloped Potatoes Recipe Ever

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Looking for a variation on French potato classics like Scalloped Potatoes or even Potatoes au Gratin? Today we look to the home of the potato for some inspiration. Peruvians know a thing or two about potatoes so why not prepare them Peruvian-style? Easy to make and hearty. Who doesn’t like oven-baked potatoes, like these Peruvian scalloped potatoes. As well, we have a short take on the history of the potato and how the Incas employed agricultural techniques in the Andes … Read More

Peru’s Most Popular Dish How to Make Lomo Saltado

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Today we feature Peru’s most popular dish, lomo saltado, a Peruvian Creole/Chinese fusion stir fry. A dish with a heavy Chinese influence, including cooking implements, spices and sauces. It also contains creole seasonings and ingredients and new world ingredients like beef and French fries. Yes, you heard that correctly, when served in Peru this dish is served both with rice and fries. Our dish today has a few variations, including the use of quinoa instead of rice and we have … Read More

Savory Meatballs are a True World Cuisine

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Here is an ever-popular, finger-food, ideal for any party or BBQ. Summer, winter, it doesn’t matter. Savory meatballs are popular at any time of the year and appeal to all ages. And in all countries. Our savory meatballs are baked (healthier) easy to prepare, incorporate some great spices and are served with an easy, yogurt-based dipping sauce. Don’t underestimate the appeal of meatballs. Seriously, can you think of anyone that doesn’t enjoy them? Kids love them because they are soft … Read More

Patagonian Scallop and Leek Empanadas

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These baked, Patagonian scallop and leek empanadas are filled with scallops, leek, red bell pepper, tomato and green (spring) onion. The filling is delicately poached in white wine and herbs before being enveloped in pastry, then baked until golden. With little human development in Patagonia, the waters are free of pollution affecting other parts of the world. Seafood from the area is renowned and is naturally a popular staple for the local inhabitants as well as for the lucky tourists … Read More

Shish Kebaps

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Being an Australian, I take great interest in all things that can be cooked on a BBQ. Maybe it’s something that all males inherit as part of our genetic make up to provide food? The great desire to cook raw meat over a fire is for me, one of life’s great pleasure. I’m sure that there is a more culturally significant description than this but who cares? All I know is that I love BBQ’s and so do most males … Read More

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