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How to Make Moroccan Lamb Couscous at Home

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Looking for an authentic Moroccan couscous recipe? Try our Moroccan lamb couscous, just full of the exotic flavors of Morocco. Lamb and couscous are a perfect union. The lamb, vegetables and spices gently simmer away as you prepare and cook your Moroccan style couscous, complete with dried fruits, nuts and fresh herbs. There are a number of ways to prepare couscous, ranging from the quick instant in a packet varieties to traditional, using a couscousiere, to hand made from scratch, … Read More

How to be a Gourmet Chef with this Unique Mashed Potato Terrine

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Today’s dish will make you look like a gourmet chef with this unique mashed potato terrine. I must put my hand on my heart and confess- food presentation is not my thing. For me, it is all about the taste, not what it looks. But with a moderate amount of effort you can make a dish which looks like these photographs. That’s the end of the confession. The point is this dish is easy to make and by using a … Read More

Easy, Creamy Rustic Style Mashed Potatoes

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Is there any more comforting vegetable dish than creamy, rustic style mashed potatoes? If ever there was a dish just perfect as a side for any entrée (or main course) it is creamy, rustic style mashed potatoes. Here is true comfort food that goes well with anything. And if you make rustic style mashed potatoes it couldn’t be easier. Tasmania is a spectacular place to visit, a great place to hike and the food in Tasmania, is second to none. … Read More

Spotlight on Potatoes with Bulgarian Moussaka

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The moussaka I grew up with featured eggplant as the main ingredient and came topped with a béchamel source. But that would be moussaka of the Greek variety. Love potatoes? Want a moussaka that is lighter? How about Bulgarian moussaka featuring potato and yogurt? Lighter than its Greek cousin and fabulous if eggplants are not to your taste or out of season, Bulgarian moussaka can be comfortably consumed in summer if you are looking for some comfort food. The topping … Read More

The Secrets of the Swiss Potato Rosti Revealed

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Swiss potato rosti are simply grated poatato cakes. They are easy to make for a very gourmet breakfast, lunch or brunch. It is probably the inspiration for the American “hash brown”. Many people consider it to be the Swiss National dish, especially those living in German-speaking Switzerland. A potato rosti recipe makes a  delicious dish and provides some indoor “exercise” with a fair amount of potato grating to be undertaken! Sounds like a good excuse to involve the kids to … Read More

The Best Peruvian Scalloped Potatoes Recipe Ever

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Looking for a variation on French potato classics like Scalloped Potatoes or even Potatoes au Gratin? Today we look to the home of the potato for some inspiration. Peruvians know a thing or two about potatoes so why not prepare them Peruvian-style? Easy to make and hearty. Who doesn’t like oven-baked potatoes, like these Peruvian scalloped potatoes. As well, we have a short take on the history of the potato and how the Incas employed agricultural techniques in the Andes … Read More