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How to Avoid Surprise Fees When Renting a Car

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If you ask any frequent traveler about fees when renting a car, most can tell you a horror story of some sort. Miscellaneous charges which added hundreds of dollars to the cost, deposits not returned, barely roadworthy cars and the list goes on. Well in this article, we look at how to avoid surprise fees when renting a car, ways to cover yourself, where to find reputable rentals and some alternatives to renting a car. Hopefully by the time you … Read More

What You Need to Know About Traveling in the Greek Islands

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Traveling in the Greek Islands is relatively easy. There is a ferry system running all year between the large islands and an additional seasonal service in summer servicing and connecting the smaller islands. In addition there are airports on many of the large islands. Aegean Air and Olympic Air are the primary airlines in Greece and the Greek Islands. There are over 200 inhabited islands in the Greek Islands, the ones we hear about frequently are but a small subset … Read More

How to Make a Pisco Sour & What You Need to Know about Pisco

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One of the great pleasures about travel is you just never know when you are going to stumble over “the next great discovery” in your life. This country in South America has a touch of mysticism about it and indeed delivered for me at least two of those great discoveries, including this great cocktail, Pisco Sour. Welcome to Peru. Home to Machu Picchu, which left me deeply touched as to its significance and the sheer, spiritual power surrounding it, but … Read More

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