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7 of the Best Barbecue Recipes for Summer from Around the World

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Looking for barbecue ideas? Here are seven of the best barbecue recipes for summer from around the world to inspire you to get the grill out and fire it up! First of all, summer is just around the corner! And that means it is time to get out the grill. Yes, a moderate amount of sun is actually good for you. So get out there and enjoy it. In our house the barbecue is the go to place for dinner … Read More

9 Gluten Free Recipes for Spring and Summer

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Gluten intolerance is on the rise. So, here is a collection of 9 gluten free recipes suited to spring and summer covering breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is little doubt gluten intolerance is on the rise. To combat this, more and more people are looking for gluten free dinner recipes. It’s not always easy to control your diet when you eat out but you can totally control your diet eating in at home. At Compass and Fork we do like … Read More

How to Find the Best Local Experiences in Latin America

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We have traveled extensively through Latin America and spent considerable time there over the past few years, both as tourists and whilst working. One thing we found difficult is finding good, local tour operators and authentic experiences with local guides. Your choice is large international tour operators or go it alone. Many businesses in Central America lack websites, some do have a Facebook page, but finding them is the issue! And if you do locate them, you just hope they … Read More

How to Make a Multigenerational Family Reunion Successful

Our family, like many families these days, is spread far and wide across the world. When we all come together, we really enjoy each others’ company, but it takes a bit of planning to make it happen. We range in age from 8-80, and who knows soon we may have babies in the family again. We have staged a couple of great, extended family reunions (aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, kids) and a few with just my own family- grandparents, siblings … Read More

How to Plan that Unique American Road Trip

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When I was growing up as a child, there was nothing I looked forward to more than road tripping to discover new and exciting travel places. In those days, domestic airfares were extremely expensive and it was not an option to fly the whole family. We went in the family car with our parents and/or our grandparents. And thus began my love of a great road trip! So I am very excited to share our planning for our unique American … Read More

How to Make the Best Beet with Goat Cheese and Walnut Salad

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Here is a great recipe to make the best beet with goat cheese and walnut salad you will ever eat. It is my gift and contribution to the people of Uruguay to pair with their magnificent beef steaks, tannat red wine and good cheer that is always proudly on display whenever you eat out in Uruguay. This salad was inspired by our visit to the charming town of Colonia de Sacramento where we had a simple but beautiful lettuce salad, … Read More

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