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Why these are 3 of Our Favorite Travel Destinations

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One of the questions we get asked most often is what is our favorite travel destinations? What is the best place we have traveled? And like many frequent travelers we find it a difficult question to answer. There have been so many good places. And of course, it all depends on what you want to do on your holiday- eat, drink, hike, go to the beach, relax, culture, city, nature, all would require a different recommendation. However, when we were … Read More

How to Enjoy your Travels in Central America

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Okay, you’ve booked your trip, you’re headed to Central America! One of the great things about Central America, and probably one of the reasons you’ve booked your vacation there, is the chance to explore another culture, see something new, and try some great foods. So remember, when you arrive there, chances are it will not be like “back home”- wherever that may be! Instead relax and enjoy your travels in Central America and appreciate the differences. Below, we have detailed … Read More

How to Find the Best Local Experiences in Latin America

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We have traveled extensively through Latin America and spent considerable time there over the past few years, both as tourists and whilst working. One thing we found difficult is finding good, local tour operators and authentic experiences with local guides. Your choice is large international tour operators or go it alone. Many businesses in Central America lack websites, some do have a Facebook page, but finding them is the issue! And if you do locate them, you just hope they … Read More

How to Know if Costa Rica is the Right Destination for You

Pura Vida, Costa Rica’s very successful marketing slogan for years, makes many people dream of visiting the small, Central American country. Honestly, as a traveler, I think Costa Rica and New Zealand have the most successful marketing campaigns I have ever seen! But is Costa Rica the right destination for you? I think it all depends on what you are looking for in your vacation. If you are after nature it might be a good fit. Being from Australia, we … Read More

How to Make a Multigenerational Family Reunion Successful

Our family, like many families these days, is spread far and wide across the world. When we all come together, we really enjoy each others’ company, but it takes a bit of planning to make it happen. We range in age from 8-80, and who knows soon we may have babies in the family again. We have staged a couple of great, extended family reunions (aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, kids) and a few with just my own family- grandparents, siblings … Read More

5 Fantastic Bucketlist Destinations that Live up to the Hype

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A bucketlist, a travel wish list, or just places you have always dreamed of going- whatever you want to call it, you often wonder if having dreamt of visiting for years if it really is going to live up to its reputation. Are some of these iconic, bucketlist destinations really worth all the hype? Well this list of five we have visited in the past couple of years definitely do deliver. Despite the crowds, the cost and sometimes the travel … Read More

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